-I have to bring can goods next week.
-We also went over the mid-term we took last week for those who missed it.
-We talked about the Lax boys winning the game against Mt. Saint Marry's
-We watched Doc Chris's video jamming to MJ still funny.
Doc went over our next in class exam which i thought was fun because it was different and out of the ordinary which I like about our exams and other works.
As we began our exam we began to walk out the classroom. This is when i began to record my movements from the time i got out of my seat until the exam was over. But I did switch between recording and taking pictures.(I will have pictures and video on that later on where i can explain them as you see the visual.)
As we got deep in the exam I began to notice funny looks that people were giving us because they had no idea of what was going on. Some people tried to hide the camera and some wanted to be in everything. But I didn't give people that choice because as i walked I made it seem like I was talking on the phone while I recored the same went for my pictures.
Here are the Pictures I took
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